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Category Archives: Bikini
Maryland Girls Compete in 1990’s “Bikini Open” 1-900 Ad
Nancy Leonard and Karen Croney The “Bikini Open” was a bikini contest that aired on pay-for-view in 1990. The winner, Karen Croney, came from Pasadena, Maryland while contestant Nancy Leonard hailed from Ocean City, Maryland. Call now! Bikini Open 1 … Continue reading
Posted in 1990s, Bikini, Ocean City
Labor Day on the Ocean City Boardwalk, 1977
(The Baltimore Sun, 9/2/1977) “Honky-tonk signs line the boardwalk as merchants try to unload stocks as the season ends.” Sunpapers photo by George H. Cook.
Posted in 1970s, Bikini, Ocean City
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2007 Mariner Girls
“The Mariner” magazine’s “Mariner Girls” collection of local swimsuit beauties seems to have disappeared so we are sharing some of the highlights we shared to our hard drive. [nggallery id=2]
Posted in Bikini, Essex / Middle River
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