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Category Archives: Decades
National Brewing Company’s “James Bond’s 007 Special Blend” (1968)
“A subtle blend of premium beer and malt liquor.” Bond Lifestyle: “The James Bond’s 007 Special Blend cans featured attractive women posing in front of famous London backdrops. The brand was pulled when National Brewing learned that it might have … Continue reading
Why have Baltimoreans been hoarding this rye whiskey?
(By Andrew Zaleski, Washington Post, 1/25/2018) Baltimore writer Van Smith has stashed away nearly three cases of Pikesville Supreme. (André Chung/For The Washington Post) In the summer of 2016, Naomi Karzai, the bar manager of Pen & Quill — a … Continue reading
Posted in 2010s, Booze, Pikesville Rye
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Serious Comics: 1987 Baltimore Comic Book Stores article
By Lou Maistros (Baltimore City Paper, 10/30/1987) Click to enlarge images:
Posted in 1980s, Shopping
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Baltimore County “Hell House” Visit, 2000
Scott’s extremely scary visit to HELL HOUSE! By Scott Huffines (The Mobtown Shank, 10/31/2000) On Sunday, Oct. 29th, 2000, I visited HELL HOUSE, “a spiritually-based adventure that takes people on a 7-scene journey, each scene depicting the hell and destruction … Continue reading