A Belarusian family ran into a traffic problem after moving to Perry Hall more than 10 years ago.
By Emily Kimball (Perry Hall Patch, 3/16/2012)

When Baltimore County didn't install a dead end sign, the Kovitch family decided to do it themselves. (Photo by Emily Kimball)
Plumer Avenue, accessed from the 8400 block of Belair Road, is a dead end.
In case there’s any confusion about that, it’s confirmed by two signs, one of which includes a rather hungry looking Tyrannosaurus rex.
But behind the sign is the story of a family who, faring better than the dinosaurs, escaped a devastated landscape to find new lives in Perry Hall.
In 1991, Lana Kovitch and her husband were faced with a choice: leave their small Eastern European country of Belarus or watch their young daughter’s health continue to deteriorate.
The girl’s health problems were directly related to the 1986 nuclear plant accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Widely regarded as the worst nuclear power accident in history, it unleashed 70 percent of its total radioactive fallout on Belarus, impacting more than 2.2 million people, including 500,000 children, according to the United Nations.
“The doctor said we needed to go, and we could either come to America or Siberia. My husband had family here, but we knew no one in Siberia. Who would want to go to Siberia?” Kovitch said.
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