December 2nd 1927
Dear Charles:-
A few notes:
1. I bought some brown shoes six or eight years ago, and have worn them off and on ever since. I have also taken to brown oxfords.
2. I have now seen about twelve movies, four or five of them to the end. I liked them all pretty well, but am not tempted to go back.
3. My favorite drinks, in order, are: beer in any form, Moselle, Burgundy, Chianti, gin and ginger-beer, and rye whiskey. I use Swedish punch only as a cocktail flavor. I dislike Scotch, and seldom drink it. It makes me vaguely uneasy. I also dislike Rhine wine, save the very best. I never have a head-ache from drink. It fetches me by giving me pains in the legs. When I get stewed I go to sleep, even in the presence of women and clergymen.
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