Spelling-Challenged Confederate Group to meet in Maryland

“Declaration of Independance… Join us for a peacful meeting and discusion on what we can all do to better our country… PLEASE BARE WITH US. WEBSITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!” — Confederate White Knights web site


CWK rules include acting in full “klanishness,” no intimate relations outside of your race and no drinking and smoking while in costume. http://confederatewhiteknights.com

KKK group to hold meeting in county building Friday

By Jane Bellmyer (Cecil Daily News, 12/20/2013)

ELKTON — A group with ties to to Ku Klux Klan will hold a public meeting Friday night in the Cecil County Administration building.

The Confederate White Knights have reserved the Elk Room for the 7 p.m. meeting, according to the group’s website.
Richard Preston, imperial wizard of the 2-year-old group, said the meeting will focus on illegal immigration and President Barack Obama.

“Barack Hussein Obama is an illegal president,” Preston said. “He needs to be removed from office. We also want ‘Obamacare’ shut down. It’s against citizen’s rights.”

“On top of that, we want the laws toughened on immigration,” he added. “We’re flooded with illegal immigrants and our people can’t find jobs.”

Preston insists CWK is not about skin color.

“It’s not about race. It’s about America,” he said. “It’s time for the American people to stand up.”

Continue reading at Cecil Daily.


  • Confederate White Knights will host first public meeting in Elkton — Baltimore Sun

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