(The City That Breeds, 4/5/2012)
“My inbox overfloweth with word today that a group on Facebook entitled “500,000 Against “Ale Mary’s” Abuse of the Sacred and the Sublime” – a group of 200 or so (as of now) folks from all over the place that have deemed the Fells Point drinkery/eatery offensive to their religious sensibilities. They have launched a “complaint review” campaign on Yelp, Urbanspoon and any other outlet they can find in an effort to discredit the use of small statues of the Virgin Mary and other such baubles of religiosity within the establishment.”
Their MO:
This group has been formed to object to this obvious contempt for these beautiful and sacred things, and to effect change in this establishment so it may celebrate and uphold the genuine beauty and grace of the Catholic Faith in it‘s walls, or respectfully remove it entirely.
The comments left by the members are ….let’s just say, “inflammatory”
See, they have board games and it fees like “Cheers!” Which is awesome because it shows the average clientele is 40-something gay momma’s boys.
Continue reading “Uber Catholic group protesting Ale Mary’s existence” at The City That Breeds.