Whimsical taxidermy catches on in Baltimore


By Julie Scharper (The Baltimore Sun, 2/19/2014)

This is not your dad’s stuffed deer head.

After decades of being relegated to man caves and hunting lodges, taxidermy is hip.

Three television shows delve into the art of preserving animals, and its practitioners, who are, as you might imagine, a quirky lot. There are national taxidermy competitions and conferences and even a Brooklyn museum devoted to the art.

At Bazaar, a Hampden curiosity shop that opened last year, taxidermied ducklings that died soon after pecking through their shells, jars with preserved fox and coyote heads and even a rare albino raccoon are on display. The shop can’t keep up with the demand for the taxidermy workshops it started hosting last month.

Continue reading at The Baltimore Sun’s bthesite.

Bazaar co-owner Greg Hatem shows examples of different styles of taxidermy in his store. (Stephen Pimpo/BaltSun Video)

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