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Category Archives: Atomic TV
Hampden Christmas Parade 2006
An oldie but goodie from the Baltimore Or Less Christmas archives. Happy Holidays! The Spirit of Christmas Past Sunday, Dec. 3, 2006 It’s that time again…time for the Mayor’s Annual Christmas Parade in Hampden and once again the true reason for … Continue reading
“Santa Claus Goes Straight to the Ghetto”
An oldie but goodie from the Baltimore Or Less Christmas archives. Happy Holidays! “During the holiday season of 1997, I had a sudden epiphany while listening to James Brown’s ‘Santa Claus Goes Straight To the Ghetto.’ White Christmas? Bah humbug! Suddenly … Continue reading
“Underdog Battles Satan Claus” at the 1999 Mayor’s Christmas Parade
An oldie but goodie from the Baltimore Or Less Christmas archives. Happy Holidays! Underdog Battles Satan Claus: The Confrontation Will this be the last Christmas of the Millennium… or the last Christmas EVER? Join Atomic TV co-hosts Tom Warner and Scott Huffines … Continue reading
1997 Mayor’s Christmas Parade in Hampden
An oldie but goodie from the Baltimore Or Less Christmas archives. Happy Holidays! Shriners ride miniature vehicles, the crippled children’s float, and the most surreal float of all: The Vietnam Vet “Reindeer Hunter” float. The Mayor’s Annual Christmas Parade in Baltimore, … Continue reading
Posted in 1990s, Atomic TV, Christmas, Hampden
Tagged mayor's annual christmas parade
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