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- Joe Welnack on Burlesque and the Girl on the Sign at the Gayety Theater
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- The Negro Leagues, Women’s Sports, and The Cycle of Oppression – Title IX Hockey on Babe Ruth Injected Sheep’s Testicles and Shilled for Tobacco
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- Dawn Ruminski on R.I.P., Edith Massey (May 28, 1918 – October 24, 1984)
- Duke Zimmerman on Globe Poster
Tag Archives: pigtown
Pigtown Madness
“Who needs TV when you live in Baltimore. The lady screaming is on the left side leaning out the third tier of windows almost at the end of the block.” (Submitted by Luis Ramos.)
The Jigsaw Seen – “Snow Angels Of Pigtown”
An oldie but goodie from the Baltimore Or Less Christmas archives. Happy Holidays! First video from The Jigsaw Seen Christmas-themed album “Winterland.” Directed by Ry Currier.
Ice Scraper, Memory Lane, Pigtown, Maryland
Ice Scraper, Memory Lane (closed), 1990s, Pigtown, Maryland.
Posted in 1990s, Baltimorons, Music, Neighborhoods, Nightlife, Nightspots
Tagged memory lane, pigtown
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A Night At Sid’s of Pigtown
Linnea Anderson hosts this TV story from 1978 which started out as a piece on shufflebowl but ended up as a slice of the kind of Baltimore strangeness that John Waters has been presenting to the world as fiction, but … Continue reading