Baltimore Or Less supports any fellow Baltimoron who runs for office wearing a rubber boot on his head!
Vermin Supreme is an American performance artist, anarchist and activist who is known for his being a satirical candidate in the United States in various local, State, and national elections. Supreme is known for wearing a boot-shaped hat and carrying a large toothbrush. He claims that if elected President of the United States he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth. He also campaigned in 2012 on a platform of Zombie apocalypse awareness, and promises a pony for every American. Supreme claims to mock the political system. He participated in the Occupy Boston protests.
In 1988 Vermin Supreme ran for Mayor of Baltimore as an Independent, in which he lost to Kurt L. Schmoke.
By Shira Schoenberg (Parade Magazine, 1/8/2012)
Meet The Candidates 2012
Vote For… Who?
This Tuesday, when Granite State voters go to the polls, there will be a bunch of names besides Barack, Mitt, and Newt to choose among — like Bear Betzler, Craig “Tax Freeze” Reis, and Vermin Supreme. In fact, 14 Democrats and a record 30 Republicans are on the ballot, from the bold to the bizarre. Welcome to the quirky world of the New Hampshire primary where basically all you need to run for president is a $1,000 filing fee and a dose of chutzpah. So what inspires these candidates to enter the political fray? Some feel strongly about a particular issue, like Joe Robinson, who thinks the U.S. should refine gasoline from domestic coal. “Frankly, I don’t have the money or the means [to win],” he says, but he wants candidates to talk more about energy independence. Then there’s Supreme, whose issues include mandatory tooth-brushing, zombie preparedness, and federal funding of time travel research so he can “kill Hitler with my bare hands.” Though the chances of a President Supreme are slim, the state is committed to granting everyone, from the president to the political novice, an equal voice. “Rather than someone screening the candidates for the voters,” Secretary of State Bill Gardner says, “we let the voters do all the screening.”
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