CNN: Savage beating, robbery caught on tape

Hey look -- that's Baltimore Or Less on CNN. Hell yeah!

(CNN, 4/9/2012)

A man in Baltimore is beaten and stripped and the whole incident is caught on tape. CNN’s Lisa Sylvester reports.


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3 Responses to CNN: Savage beating, robbery caught on tape

  1. RF says:

    This takes “hate crime” to a whole new level.

  2. Michael Belle says:

    Why was not the race of the attackers mentioned and why was not the word Hate Crime used. Because the facts had not been investigated. The use of the word racism is used very quickly when the attacker is not black. Could this not be a case of a black on white hate crime, possibly, but we do not know until the case is investigated. But the question could have been raised by a reporter doing a good job investigating the story. It should be noted that it was not. What this may be ultimately is a window into the world of the individuals of what ever race they may be and one could comment on the lack of morals and decency of the of those individuals, who are of a single demographic, shown on the video.

  3. InternetSavage says:

    I’m just shocked that a group of unruly spear chuckers would do something like this.

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