Not another mattress store, say residents
(The Baltimore Guide, 9/24/2014)
“We are super tired north of Eastern.”
This was one online explanation offered for the proliferation of mattress stores in the Highlandtown and Baltimore Highlands neighborhoods.
Message-board wisecracks aside, some residents feel that there are enough mattress vendors, and the area doesn’t need one more. Yesterday, after press time, Ronald Rinehart was scheduled to appeal to the Board of Municipal and Zoning Appeals to use a portion (unit 1B) of the property at 3243-49 Noble St. as a bedding and furniture store.
Rachel Timmins, president of the Baltimore Highlands Community Association, says that the majority of the officers in BHCA are opposed to the use of that property as a store that sells mattresses.
“I am personally opposed because, for one, we have a major mattress dumping issue,” Timmins said.
… Data from Americorps National Civilian Community Corps members, who surveyed alley dumping in Highlandtown and Baltimore Highlands in May and June, shows that discarded mattresses were indeed found in alleys, particularly in Baltimore Highlands in alleys near Esther Pl. and Baltimore St.
Timmins said that she recently had an “enormous pile,” including four mattresses and two sofas, picked up from behind her own residence.
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