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Tag Archives: scott huffines
This is Christmas!, Essex, Maryland, 1997
An oldie but goodie from the Baltimore Or Less Christmas archives. Happy Holidays! Christmas window display in Essex, Maryland.
Psychotronic Shack: Baltimore Finally Gets Atomic
By Julie MacDonald (Baltimore City Paper, 1992) The shelves of Atomic Books, located in Mount Vernon, are dotted with handwritten signs such as “Some dude bought all my Bukowski books—they should be back in stock by the end of the … Continue reading
Posted in 1990s, Atomic Books, Baltimorons, Mount Vernon, Roadside Attractions
Tagged baltimore city paper, scott huffines
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Atomic TV visits Baltimore’s Great Blacks in Wax Museum
Black History Month Classics: Atomic TV’s 2003 Visit to Baltimore’s Great Blacks in Wax Museum Atomic TV visits Baltimore’s Great Blacks in Wax Museum from Atomic TV on Vimeo. Atomic TV’s Tribute to Black History “Once you go Black, … Continue reading
Underdog Marches for Martin Luther King, Jr.
Black History Month Classics: Suzanne Muldowney Joins the 2003 Martin Luther King Day, Jr. Parade “When the Negro was completely an Underdog, he needed white spokesmen. Liberals played their parts in this period exceedingly well…. But now that the Negro … Continue reading