By Colby Hall (Mediaite, 11/25/2011)
Colby Hall reports:
Guess what gang? Today is BLACK FRIDAY, the single biggest news story on the day that follows Thanksgiving. Not only are a nation’s hopes of a bright economic future built on the mass commercialism of the day, but an entire industry of local and national reporters have nothing else to cover, and so news consumers are left with little left to learn about than holiday shopping that goes on today. Baltimore’s WBAL got a jump on the holiday shopping story, and made an unfortunate chyron error in the process.
As one can see, the chyron should clearly read “Black Friday” shopping instead of “Black Holiday Shoppers.” The fact that many of the shoppers lined up on Thanksgiving evening at a Towson area Target store appear to be African-American does not help the poor individual who made the small yet significant typographical error in the segment, which you can watch below:
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