David Simon apologizes for ‘amused contempt’ of ‘Wire’ fans

By Jill Rosen (The Baltimore Sun, 4/6/2012)

Fans of “The Wire” were taken aback to read that creator David Simon is sort of tired of their rah-rah, late-to-the-game enthusiasm.

Simon on Thursday told the New York Times:

I do have a certain amused contempt for the number of people who walk sideways into the thing and act like they were there all along. It’s selling more DVDs now than when it was on the air. But I’m indifferent to who thinks Omar is really cool now, or that this is the best scene or this is the best season. It was conceived of as a whole, and we did it as a whole. For people to be picking it apart now like it’s a deck of cards or like they were there the whole time or they understood it the whole time—it’s wearying. Because no one was there in the beginning, or the middle, or even at the end. Our numbers continued to decline from Season 2 on.

Amused contempt? Wearying? The show’s many fans were NOT happy.

AVClub.com‘s headline was: David Simon is tired of your love for The Wire.

Vulture put it like this: “Reading the cranky, pretention, fan-dismissing interview with The Wire’s David Simon on the New York Times’ ArtsBeat blog today, we were reminded of every gasbag indie-rock-obsessed hipster who ever snorted at the mainstreaming of one of their most beloved underground bands.”

Continue reading “David Simon apologizes for ‘amused contempt’ of ‘Wire’ fans” at The Baltimore Sun.


  • “The Game Never Ends: David Simon on Wearying ‘Wire’ Love and the Surprising Usefulness of Twitter” — New York Times
  • “Why David Simon Is the Ultimate Hipster” — Vulture.com
  • “David Simon is tired of your love for The Wire” — AVClub.com
  • “Attack of the Show Creators ” — The Atlantic Wire
  • “David Simon doesn’t want to tell you how to watch ‘The Wire'” — Hitfix.com
  • “David Simon Semi-Apologizes for Obnoxious Times Interview” — Vulture.com
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One Response to David Simon apologizes for ‘amused contempt’ of ‘Wire’ fans

  1. Chuck says:

    He’s bitching all the way to the bank.

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