Someone or something called The Notorious DGD created the following map and posted it on a site called Judgmental Maps (, which is subtitled “Your city. Judged.”

Judgmental Baltimore Map by The Notorious DGD. (The Notorious DGD Copr. 2014. All Rights Reserved.)
Alas, when you visit the Store link, only the Denver map is available for sale as a print. Can’t wait for the Baltimore map to become available. (Our fave areas are “Vegan cyclists from rich families,” “People here still have pagers” and “Slacktivists”!)
Someone named stevedave1234 claims that the above map was based on this original version:

Original Judgmental Baltimore Map.
I like how the map above expands to the east to include the Dundalk and Essex communities of “White people who wear clothes and drive cars from the ’90s” and “Waterbillies”! Note also the “Poop Factory” nod to Dundalk’s “Golden Eggs” waste treatment facility.
Be sure to check out the Archive link to see other cities that have been mapped on Judgmental Maps.