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- Mike Emig on Abe Sherman’s Newsstand/Bookstore
- atomictv on Roger Anderson: In Memoriam
- Joe DeFilippo on Marble Bar Poster Art
- Pessimisissimo on Roger Anderson: In Memoriam
- Joe Welnack on Burlesque and the Girl on the Sign at the Gayety Theater
- Brice J Butler Jr on Chris Jensen, Rest in Peace
- The Negro Leagues, Women’s Sports, and The Cycle of Oppression – Title IX Hockey on Babe Ruth Injected Sheep’s Testicles and Shilled for Tobacco
- Micheal Burke on The Block (Baltimore) on Wikipedia
- Dawn Ruminski on R.I.P., Edith Massey (May 28, 1918 – October 24, 1984)
- Duke Zimmerman on Globe Poster
Tag Archives: atomic tv
I (Still) Love Atomic TV
As Scott “Unpainted” Huffines and I prepare to reopen the long sealed Atomic TV vaults for an upcoming monthly screening series at the Golden West Cafe in Hampden that starts this December 30, 2011 (see “Atomic TV’s Holiday Fixins” for … Continue reading
Posted in 1990s, Atomic TV, Baltimorons, Entertainment, Films, Grape Ape, Media, Uncategorized
Tagged atomic tv, jim rose, television, the city that breeds
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Everyman Art Collector
[Note: Erstwhile Atomic TV cameraman Chris Jensen of Jensen Plumbing Service was profiled in this month’s Urbanite magazine; kudos and courtesy flushes to Chris! The photo below of Jensen’s “Negativity Scene” – a Christmas nativity scene that adds space aliens … Continue reading
Posted in Atomic TV, Baltimorons, Chris Jensen, Roadside Attractions
Tagged atomic tv, chris jensen, jensen plumbing
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Grape Ape Redux
His fans are legion. In fact, many of his fans have lesions. Federal Hill’s legendary bare-chested, beer-guzzling, Led Zep-loving blowhard “Grape Ape” appeared countless times on Atomic TV, including ATV’s first-ever episode in July 1997 and he later dispensed dating … Continue reading
Rappin’ Rabineau
B-Town’s Raconteur of Renown Vale mas un grito a tiempo que hablar a cada momento Baltimore is a city of characters but no Charm City character is more curious than Michael Rabineau. Long a fixture on the public access television … Continue reading
Posted in Atomic TV, Baltimorons
Tagged atomic tv, michael rabineau, rappin' rabineau
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